
June Update!

 Hi friends and family, happy summer! I hope it has been filled with more family time than usual, and more rest both personally and in the Lord!  Ministry over the summer certanly slows down a bit, and that has been a blessing to learn more rythms of stillness, and more reliance on God than on myself which is hard for me when life feels most busy. A  verse on my mind this summer has been Psalm 23:1-3 " The   Lord   is my shepherd,   I lack nothing.  He makes me lie down in green pastures,  he leads me beside quiet waters,  he refreshes my soul."  I feel like the Lord has been redirecting me to this verse and having me focus on the whole passage, taking each section in a way of slow reflection, but I especially love this first part.  Thank you so much for all of your generosity toward me, as always, I am immensely grateful to each of you! 3                                                                                                                                           

May update!

  Hi friends and family! It's the last month of the apprenticeship! I can't believe how quickly it has come and gone. I can't thank each of you enough for your support throughout this ministry season. It has been the most impactful season of my whole life! For those that don't know, I have committed to one more year with FOCUS. I'm so excited for all that God will do in the students around me and in myself this next year when I will officially transition to being a staff member with the FOCUS ministry! SICM 2024! I will spend most of this blog discussing this trip since we just got back from 10 days in Washington State! We call this trip SICM (Student Institute Of Campus Ministry). We took 150 students from each of our DFW college campuses to learn more about what it means to be a deeper disciple of Christ as well as learn leadership skills. Often when our staff decides who they will invite to this trip it is dependent on who we will choose to be on our leader team

April update!

              Hi friends and family! We are quickly wrapping up the school year, and God has been abundantly good to our ministry this year. I owe the biggest thank you to you all for your support! Apprentice team with Ronnie! Each week throughout this entire year, our apprentice team has gotten the immense pleasure of having a class with Ronnie. As mentioned in previous blogs, Ronnie was the reason that the FOCUS ministry started over twenty years ago, and he is the senior pastor at the Garland church which he also started. Something I love about our campus ministries, and family of churches as a whole, is that so many people get direct contact with our pastoral staff members since they make themselves available to anyone and everyone, not just leaders. I think this is largely due to the family dynamic we try to have in our network of churches, and this idea came from Ronnie. All that to say, you can imagine how special it has been to be taught the importance of ministry, how to keep

March update!

Hi friends and family! Happy Easter! I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating the resurrection of our gracious savior with your families! Thank you for your generosity toward me! Corefa leader team! This is our corefa team this year which are our small group leaders. For many of these students it is their first ever year to lead a small group, and like I said in last month's blog, it can be a challenging yet so rewarding position. I have been so proud of this year's team. There has been a new refreshing excitement from them about getting to lead students onto God's agenda! They are so initiative in several ways. When it comes to outreach, we have students who will pray over people as a group each week during their free time. Others have hosted lots of events at their ministry houses to further create a warm community environment to spur on deeper friendships. It's very evident that God is moving in big ways in Denton, and I can clearly see that this year largely bec

February update!

                       Hi friends and family! I hope you are all doing well and felt loved this past valentine's day!                         Your support towards me shows me God's love through you, and I'm very thankful for you!  Valentine's core! I told our girls to dress in pink for small group that day, and we had valentines themed snacks, and played Family Feud:Valentine's Day Edition, it was lots of fun! Our core topic for the night was "Perfect love casts out all fear" because this was the sermon series at our large group gathering that we have been going through this month. We focused on the story of  Daniel 3 with Shadrack, Messchak, and Abendigo. We asked questions such as: " How did they get to that place of response?" and " What would it look like for you to trust God in the face of your fears?". We ended with having them re-write Psalms 3 in their own words based on whatever fears they are currently undergoing in their own